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How much do you know about ballistic armor plate?

DATE: Oct 17th, 2023
With the increasing security needs, bulletproof panels, as a key protective equipment, have experienced significant evolution in their materials and applications. These technologies and innovations affect not only the military, but also law enforcement, civilian, and specialty industries. This paper will deeply discuss the main materials used in bulletproof plate and its diversified applications. The main material of bulletproof plate:

1. Material selection and performance

1.1 Ceramic composite materials

Ceramic composite material is one of the common materials in bulletproof plate manufacturing. Hard ceramic particles are usually embedded in a polymer or metal matrix to form a composite structure. This design allows the ceramic composite to effectively absorb and disperse the energy of the projectile, providing excellent protective properties. It is widely used in light protective gear, such as body armor for soldiers.

Bulletproof rating:

①NIJ Level III

Description: Capable of defending against 7.62mm caliber rifle rounds, including M80 rifle rounds.
Material: Ceramic composite material, usually including hard ceramic particles such as silicon boride or silicon nitride.

②NIJ Level IV

Description: Provides a higher level of protection against 7.62mm caliber armored piercing shells such as the M2 AP.
Material: Highly rigid ceramics, such as silicon boride.

1.2 Polymer composite materials

Polymer composite materials are usually composed of polymer materials such as polyethylene fiber and aramid or anti-edge materials. This kind of material is not only lightweight, but also has good strength and bulletproof performance. Polymer composites are widely used in some scenarios that require increased mobility of the wearer, such as the operation of law enforcement officers and special forces.

①NIJ Level II

Description: Defense against 9mm caliber handgun rounds and.40 S&W rounds.
Material: polymer composite material, usually including polyethylene fiber.


Description: Defense.44 Magnum revolver bullets.
Material: Polymer composite, may add additional bulletproof material, such as anti-edge material.

1.3 Metal Alloys

Metal alloys, especially titanium and aluminum alloys, are used in special scenarios that require higher density and strength. These alloys provide strong armor while maintaining a relatively light weight. They are commonly used in applications such as vehicle armor and aircraft shields.

1.4 Composite material structure

Composite structures combine a variety of materials to play to their respective strengths. For example, the combination of ceramic composite materials, polymer composite materials and metal alloys can produce a full-performance bulletproof plate that provides strong protection against a variety of environments and threats.

Diversified applications of bulletproof plates

1. Military field

In the military field, bulletproof plates are widely used in soldiers' protective gear, tank armor and aircraft protective structures. The lightweight and efficient protective performance of the material is the main reason for the military to choose bulletproof plates to improve the mobility and survivability of soldiers.

2. Law enforcement and security

Bulletproof panels are also widely used by law enforcement and security personnel, especially in high-risk missions. This includes police, SWAT teams and private security personnel, among others. Lightweight materials and design allow them to perform tasks more quickly and safely.

3. Civil sector

Civilian applications for bulletproof panels include, but are not limited to, workers in high-risk industries, dangerous goods transport drivers, and individuals who require additional protection. In some dangerous or unstable environments, bulletproof panels can provide an additional safety barrier.

4. Special industrial use

In some special industrial areas, bulletproof panels are also used to protect workers from high-speed splashing objects or chemicals. For example, in industries such as aerospace, oil and gas, bulletproof panels are used to provide additional personal safety.

The materials and applications of bulletproof panels are constantly being innovated to meet the increasing demand for safety performance in different fields. In the future, we are expected to see more advances in material science and technology, as well as the popularization of bulletproof panels in a wider range of fields, thus providing more comprehensive protection measures for individuals and professionals.